In the heart of Umbria, caressed by the gentle breezes from Trasimeno Lake, the Picciarella winery is an oasis where nature and the culture of fine taste unite in perfect harmony. The pension fund for Cariplo staff has owned the estate since the 1940s and the winery has always been a source of pride and affection for the employees and retirees of the whole Intesa Sanpaolo banking group. Of the 282 hectares, around 55 are planted with vineyards and over 20 with olive groves. The soils, at an elevation of 300m, are mainly loose, rich in fossils and medium-sized stones and are particularly suited to the production of high quality grapes needed to make superior quality wines.
“Azienda Agricola Puciarella has always been an innovator in the area as shown by the twenty-year production of the methode traditionelle Cà de Sass and the Vin Santo, which can now be classified under the DOC Colli Trasimeno appellation.
For this reason, the proposal to be part of the group of wineries under the WRT brand was greeted with much enthusiasm, convinced that the production of high quality wines including those without added sulphates could be a new and important step in improving the quality of the company’s whole range of wines.”